ITC Infotech acquires Blazeclan Technologies to enhance Multi-Cloud services and fast-track digital transformation

Infinite Loop of Digital Transformation – The Future of Workplace

We often talk about organizations shifting their businesses to digital, and that they are embracing the new change of digital transformation. Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud (SMAC) are the four pillars that are driving innovation across enterprises. Moreover, as the workplace gets smarter, applications will start to manage and supervise digitally. On similar lines, to explore digital transformation in depth and to explore new dimensions to intra and inter communications, BlazeClan participated in a one-day event which talked about the Future of Work. The event was organized by Facebook for Workplace, which is a collaborative platform run by Facebook, Inc. It is used to communicate via groups, to chat with colleagues and offer the features of the social network in a corporate environment.

The event ensured participation of CHROs and communication heads from different industries having employee engagement and interaction on regular basis. These leaders were not only guiding the organizational goals in an expansive direction but were also enabling employees to go beyond their barriers of workplace performance. Sessions in the event also imparted insights about how leaders from different industry are dealing with disruption, connecting distributed teams and building a thriving culture within the organization for it to progress further. As we progressed, the topic of digital transformation took the center stage and the sessions talked experiences from roles that ran mills.

Digital transformation at workplace redefines the way enterprises are functioning. Leading organizations across the globe have already paced ahead with digital workplace designs which altogether boosts employee engagement and performance. Before the big step, enterprises are faced with challenges which can hamper the shift.

  • Organizations have a typical tendency that resists changes and alterations at the workplace. Digital brings changes and restructures the way employees communicate and interact between themselves.
  • Most applications are literally married to a legacy business model instead of a cloud.
  • Organisations have an ineffective technique of gathering and leveraging of employee data.
  • Lack of clear vision and inefficient decision-making capabilities transformation.

These challenges portray a huge risk in the day-to-day functioning of the organization. This not only affects how employees communicate with each other but also advances to deteriorate employee performance. Over the past decades, communication has changed at an unprecedented rate. In addition, internal communications between employees need to be transparent as it plays an important role in the growth of the organization. Accelerate Workplace transformation with BlazeClan as we assist in:

  • Establishing next-generation communication hub
  • Building champions to make work meaningful
  • Connect decentralize teams
  • Provide common consensus to grow faster
  • Enabling agility at the workplace

As the event progressed, we showcased our offering to the attendees which talked about the digital transformation landscape. Following are the offerings of BlazeClan which are provided under the umbrella of Workplace:

  • Workplace Adoption RoadmapBlazeClan enables organizations to build their strategy and workplace roadmap by conducting change management workshops periodically. Since we are the front-runners in Cloud space we help them align their digital transformation strategy with their vision.
  • Workplace Deployment and Implementation Being an authorized deployment and implementation partner, we help them with customized onboarding, creating multi-company groups, organizational hierarchies and build strong leadership community.
  • Automated Build and Custom IntegrationsCreate department-centric custom bots – HR, ADMIN, Customer Care Support etc. by leveraging DevOps principles and lean methodology. The overall turnaround time and decision making dependencies drastically reduce the use of bots.
  • Customer-Centric AnalyticsCreate custom dashboards to infer analytics and understand employee sentiments.

In addition to these offerings, the event also talked about success stories and how Workplace implementation plays a major role in driving better communication between employees. With this, the event – The Future of Workplace was quite a successful one, SHROs from fifty different companies could pool in their thoughts on the new efficient collaborative communication roadmap. On a mission to transform the organization into a digital business, BlazeClan takes an enterprise-wide approach to improve customer and employee experiences. Contact us today and learn how Workplace and BlazeClan can help you improve communication across the organization, transform your workplace for the digital age and nurture the idea of innovation across the organization.

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Team Blazeclan

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