ITC Infotech acquires Blazeclan Technologies to enhance Multi-Cloud services and fast-track digital transformation

AWS and BlazeClan to Conduct Cloud Migration Workshop (Discovery Approach)

Having a good knowledge of AWS services is one thing and knowing which one to use when is a completely different issue. And this is exactly the reason why BlazeClan and AWS are conducting a one-day workshop on cloud migration focussing on the discovery of infrastructure aspect. BlazeClan ensures to make this workshop an insightful one by conducting this exclusively with AWS, and also promises to provide deeper insights on how to plan and migrate your existing workloads on AWS Cloud. This session also imparts on how enterprises should focus on forward thinking in their work processes and keep up with the rate of change, have scalability and meet future needs.

BlazeClan is a Premier Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Consulting company, providing cloud consulting and managed services. This year, BlazeClan successfully bagged itself the AWS Migration Competency which makes it one of the few migration partners in the ASEAN region to provide in-depth expertise to help customer’s move successfully to AWS, through all phases of complex migration projects, discovery, planning, migration and operations.

This is a first workshop (Cloud Migration & Discovery Approach) in the 6 part series and is an apt platform to get your cloud migration questions answered by AWS experts and also discuss various business cases from the cloud experts. Join us and explore new possibilities that can help you to create a roadmap for cloud migration through these workshops.

Register here for the first of six cloud migration workshop.

Learning Objectives of the Workshop:

  • Review your existing environment and business goals
  • Learn how to migrate your existing databases to and from AWS
  • Transform your IT from being reactive to proactive — and from being a centre of cost, to being a centre of innovation, strategy and agility.

Intended Audience: IT Business Decision Makers

Event Details:

When: Wednesday, June 20th, 2018 | 9.00am-1:00pm SGT

Where: AWS Office, 23 Church Street, Capital Square, #10-01, Singapore.

Register today to enrol for a complimentary Migration Acceleration Program. Save your seat!

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Team Blazeclan

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