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Why We Love Amazon’s SES (And You Should, Too!)


In the previous blog post I elaborated on SES (Simple Email Service). Simple Email Service is a fully managed service which allows you to send emails for transactions, marketing, system generated mails, newsletters and much more. It is a service, which can be utilized to send emails. It also provides notifications for bounces, complaints and rejected emails.

Other areas of focus in the blog included:

  • Why to use AWS SES?
  • Why NOT Amazon SES?
  • What are the different ways to send Emails via AWS SES?
  • Is AWS SES too Expensive for Me?

Furthermore I will be articulating more about SES.

Heterogeneous Ways to Send Mails from SES

Using SMTP

There are different ways you can use SMTP Credentials for sending emails. It includes:

1. Sending from AWS console

  • Login to aws console go to SES Service
  • Click on “Email Address” Or “Domain” tab in left Frame
  • Select Email or Domain and click on “Send Test Mail”
  • Fill in the Details and send Email.

2. Sending from command line: People writing programs Directly through SMTP can also send Emails by configuring SMTP with SES. For more info follow the instructions on AWS Doc

3. Send Emails from Email Client- e.g. Microsoft Outlook 2010: To configure Microsoft Outlook 2010 in your System follow the instructions given.

4. Send Emails from your Application: You can use SES in a way similar to using Gmail or Hotmail Credentials for sending emails from your application in a way that you don’t share your email Address Credentials in the application. Listed below are the steps to configure SES in an application built in YII Framework:

  • Download PHPMailer extension for YII Framework from here and configure it in YII.
  • Create a class SendMail in Model and Extend PHPMailer Class and Declare Following Variables:

class SendMail extends PHPMailer{

     var $Host = “tls://”; //Amazon Server based on Region

        var $Username = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;    //Enter Access Key  from Amazon

           var $Password = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;  //Enter Secret Key  from Amazon

              var $Port = 465;   //You can use 25, 465 and 587 port to send email

                  var $SMTPAuth = true;

               var $From = “”;    //From may be any email you want

          var $FromName = “Any Name”;  

      var $CharSet = “UTF-8”;

 var $Sender = ‘’;  //Sender has to be verified email !!!

var  $SMTPDebug  = false;   // set true if you want to debug

var $SMTPKeepAlive = true;


  • Add a Function sendEmail to accept Parameter for
  1. Whom to send
  2. What to send
  3. What subject

function sendEmail($emailTo,$subject,$body){


                $this->Subject = ($subject);


                return $this->Send();


  • Now Import this class and call sendEmail Function and send email.


   $sendMail=new SendMail();

   $sendMail->sendEmail(“”,’T est Email’,’Hello world!’);

5. Integrating SES with other SMTP server: You can also configure your SMTP server to use SES and send Valid and Non-Spam Emails. Listed are the following SMTP Servers you can configure on-

  • Postfix
  • SendMail

The next series of blog on SES(Simple E-Mail Service)  I will be discussing more on using AWS API’s to send E-Mails.

Related Blog Posts:

 Facts you Must know about AWS Cloud’s Simple Mailing Service

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