ITC Infotech acquires Blazeclan Technologies to enhance Multi-Cloud services and fast-track digital transformation

You Manage Your Business While We Manage Your Cloud

Economic theories have proven that we humans don’t always make buying decision based on clear rationale; be that as it may, but when it comes to enterprises running their own IT infrastructures and data centers, a completely rationale decision can be made; all you need is an hour of consultation from a certified MSP like us.

Consider Hearst Corporation, one of the world’s leading media house. When they wanted to focus on scaling their core business of news and media that spans across 170 countries and 40 languages, they first had to opt out of running their own IT infrastructure. As phase one, they migrated 10 of their 29 global data centers to AWS which enabled them to increase efficiency by 80% and reduce costs to mere fractions.

CXOs and decision makers often stand in crossroads over on-premise vs public cloud for their IT infrastructure requirements; but it’s almost 2019 and arguments made in favor of on-premise during the past decade no longer holds true. Here’s why:

Move from heavy Capex to realistic Opex: With over 3 billion people with access to internet, the world is a smaller place, this means your next wave of customers can be from next pin code or a continent away; either ways, building IT infrastructure ground up at locations of your customers is not just a hard path to walk, but also involves a series of heavy capital expenditure (capex). When you move to AWS, you instantly avail all the essential IT infrastructure like storage, virtualization, CDN, networking, and compute but pay only for what you use (opex).

In a matter of few more days, you are ready to have application platform along with a complete infrastructure environment.

Zero upgrade time and cost: Constant tracking, upgrading, and monitoring for security vulnerabilities are the biggest drawbacks of an on-premise infra. Leading cloud providers like AWS handles all periodic and immediate upgrades automatically while also giving you the power to automate administrative tasks such as database backup, software upgrades in a compatible BCP environment.

Focus on your core competency: World’s leading businesses (like 3M, Netflix), admirable state organizations (like CIA, SUSS), and high impact startups (like Lyft, Airbnb) trust AWS for their cloud computing while they focus on their raison d’etre.

As a CXO, you have an infinite list of things to do, let managing your servers be one of them, after all, no one ever won an award for reinventing the wheel.

A host of IT infrastructure expertise, one SPOC: While AWS has come of age from being a simple storage provider to supporting hundreds of services, at BlazeClan, we have evolved since our incorporation last decade, the early days of cloud computing, too.

In here, enterprise clients come at all size and unique cloud & IT requirements. Be it OS, BI, Security, Networking, Storage, DevOps or Database management, we help you win by striving to be a single point of expert contact.

Say hi and the coffee is on us, anywhere in the world!

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